Anett Hamori
Personal information
21 .05.1985 born in Miskolc, HU
lives and works in Gödöllő, HU
2013- 2017 Doctoral Studies at University of Pécs, Faculty of music and visual arts, DLA
2009 spring semester: École Nationale Supérieure d’Art, Nice –France-Painter Department
2005- 2010 Hungarian University of Fine Arts –Painter Department
2006- 2010 Hungarian University of Fine Arts – Teacher Department
2003-2005 Academy of Károly Eszterházy – Eger (drawing – visual communication
E-mail: hamorianett.ha@gmail.com
web: www.hamorianett.com
Works in Collections
Prof. Peter Schubert, Wien
Luciano Benetton Collection, Imago Mundi
Vienna Insurance Group’s Collection, Wien
Guillaume Piens’s Collection, France
Amadeus Fundation’s Collection, Hungary
Fundamenta Insuarance Collection, Hungary
Dr. Levente Lázár’s Collection, Hungary
2018 My works were presented at Getty Institute’s Conference on CAA 2018: Global Conversations--Border Crossings: The Migration of Art, People, and Ideas, Los Angeles
Collegium Hungaricum Wien workshop: Art in War, War in Art, Museum 1915-1918,
Kötschach Mauthen, A
2013 DLA Scholarship, University of Pécs Faculty of Visual Arts, Doctoral School
2011 Nominee of Esterhazy Art Award, Budapest, HU
2011 Essl Art Award 2011 A
2011 VIG Special Invitation 2011 A
2010 Conference of Universities of Fine Arts, winner, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, HU
2010 Creative sponsorship from Endowment of Amadeus Budapest, HU
2010 BoH Art Project Contemporary Hungarian Art Competitions, Exhibitions and Artist in Residence, winner, IT
2009 Erasmus Scholarship-Nice, France spring semester, FR
2007 Baudelaire: Les fleurs du mal, Literary Museum of Petőfi, Budapest, HU
Solo Exhibitions
In a Manner of Meaning - Jewellery, objects and paintings - Flora Vagi, Anett Hámori, Windfall GmbH, München
Entrapped, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, H
Politically Correct, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, H
Child Soldiers, Óbudai Társaskör Gallery, Budapest, H
ON THE THRESHOLD, Jiri Svestka Gallery, Berlin, GR
Duality. CDFŰ Culture cellar and Gallery, Budapest, H
Selected Group Exhibitions
DLA exhibition, Nádor Gallery, Pécs, H
Kepesita Collection Exhibition, Eleven Blokk, Budapest, H
From intimacy to public sector, Művészetmalom, Szentendre, H
Dilemma, m21 Gallery, Pécs, H
Imago Mundi,Giorgio Cini, 56. Venice Biennale, Venice
+45+55+95, Austrian Cultural Forum, Budapest
„Art in war – War in art” Exhibition and Workshop, Museum 1915-1918, Kötschach-Mauthen, A
"Free-hand" Exhibition, MODEM, Debrecen, H
Artshow Busan 2014, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Busan, South Korea
ART SWAB Barcelona, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Barlelona
ART COPENHAGEN, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Copenhagen
DLA Intro, Re:public Gallery, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pécs, H
The day of the Painting, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, H
Giornata del Contemporaneo Associazione. Dei Musei D’arte Contemporaneo Italiani, Rome, IT
Re-painted Reality, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, HU
Contemporaries, Rippl Rónai Hall, Kaposvár, HU
VIG Special Invitation, Wien, A
"Events, relics, reflections", Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma, IT
God bless you!, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest, H
ART PARIS, Faur Zsófi Contemporary Gallery, Grand Palais, Paris, FR
Animalicious, Faur Zsófi Contemporary Gallery, Budapest, HU
Paperwork, Faur Zsófi Contemporary Gallery, Budapest, HU
Esterházy Art Award, Museum of Fine arts, Budapest, HU
ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011, Winners’ Exhibition, Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Wien, A
ESSL Art Award Nominees 2011, Centrális Gallery/OSA, Budapest, HU
Artist Residency Exhibition of Street of Elnök, Budapest, HU
Paper Panoram, Judit Virág Gallery, Budapest, HU
The Day of Hungarian Culture, City Gallery, Nyíregyháza, HU
Skype exhibition with Peter Gazdik, Kálvária, Epreskert, Budapest, HU
IMDK winners, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Amadeus Art Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Degree 2010, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Fresh 2010, Kogart House, Budapest, HU
Giornata del Contemporaneo Associazione. Dei Musei D'arte Contemporaneo Italiani, Rome, IT
Amadeus Art Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Painter’s drawings, The Day of Hungarian Painting- Fonó, Musée Sinkovics, Budapest, HU
Textus-Kontextus-Indian Exhibition with Chintan Upadhyay, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Amadeus Art Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
New Body, The Day of Hungarian Painting, Kopaszi-gát - Budapest, HU
Jiking- Gábor Karátson and his followers, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Amadeus Art Award, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest, HU
Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du mal, Literary Museum of Petőfi, Budapest, HU
Master and Followers, Gallery of Társaskör Wekerle, Budapest, HU
XVI. Faces and Fate Nationwide Portrait Biennale, Gallery of Győző Moldvay,Hatvan, HU
Budapest Art Expo, Szentendre, HU
HUNGARIAN FLASH ART: Jánosi-Halász Rita: Secrets from the realm of the aquarell 2012/1. nr 4., 46.page.
Good Life Magazine, page 264-265 Paris 2012, Fr
Flash Art Hungary, „Animalicious”, Faur Zsófi Contemporary Gallery, Budapest 2012/1
ESSL ART AWARD 2011, page 98-105. Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Wien, A
JÓZSEF GAÁL: Artist Residency Exhibition of Street of Elnök, Budapest, Élet és Irodalom, 2011/4
BIANCA IVÁNYI: PPP Popular Panoramic Paper. Új Művészet, 2011/5., page 33
KOZÁK CSABA: Páratlan diadalmenet, Panoramic Paper, Szalon, 2011/3., page 59
BLACK & DECKER: Moving, Panoramic Paper. Balkon, 2011/4.
drMÁRIÁS: Paper Gods, Élet és Irodalom, 2011/3
ENDRE LEHEL PAKSI: Movement of a generation – HUFA Painter Diploma. Új Művészet, 2010/9.
NOÉMI FORIÁN SZABÓ: Diploma Catalogue 2010, HUFA, 2010, page18-19.
BORBÁLA MAUL, ZSÓFIA KUCSERA, KATALIN NAGY: The modernism in the world literature /book, Educatio Ltd., Budapest, 2008, page 10-11.
Artist statement of Anett Hamori
The primal subject of my observation is human being and the interpersonal relationships and communication. I am interested in how they live, feel, move, the way they change and above all their impressions. It is a kind of emotional and personal interaction that I am inspired by in my artistic practice. The focus of my works is stories and events: the visual transformation of my everydayness. In my opinion, aquarelle is the most adequate medium for the representaion of current issues. The internet and other medias, such as newspaper articles and press photos are the basic sourcees of my selection. I choose images that inspire me, arrange them in a specific order and paint them in the end of this process, therefore it turns into a formally and contextually meaningful story.
Lately, my interests fully turned to the disasters sourrounding us every day. I follow these sorrowful events on a daily basis and also receive informations from my sourrunding. Troubles in Kirghizstan, disasters in Japan, incident of Costa Concordia, „feeding wives in Mauritania- just to mention a few. A short time ago my attention was drawn to Voluntary Programs by my Canadian friend of mine: planting trees, helping orphan children from all around the world. She makes a living with this kind of activities and also develops relationships, meanwhile she entirely believes in the importance of these acts.
My latest large series is called „Child Soldiers”. I saw a documentary film in the television about a child, whose parents had been killed, and he was kidnapped and forced to train in a camp to become a child soldier.. His life changed:, he had to fight and kill every day and finally became a drug addict. It happened in Africa buti it could have been elsewhere in the world. In my series, I tried to focus on the action, and consequences of this event. There is no background: the infinity of the space and time is emphasized by the white paper. I am adapting real events: I follow current events going on in our universe and mix them with my inner impulses. These works are flashes from the reality, from African states to Afghanistan or Kyrgizstan or even from Hungary.